Welcome to ARCHERY
A prospective observational study of artificial intelligence (AI) based radiotherapy treatment planning for cervical, head and neck and prostate cancer

The website has been designed to provide information, news and updates on the ARCHERY study to participants, the public and study collaborators.

The aim of ARCHERY is to determine whether an AI software called the Radiation Planning Assistant (RPA) can plan suitable radiotherapy for cervical, head and neck, and prostate cancers, and whether this method of planning treatment is faster and more cost efficient than traditional approaches. The primary aim of ARCHERY is to see whether this AI based automated radiotherapy planning can be used in low- and middle-income countries to expand the availability of effective radiotherapy treatment.

Visit "Our Aims" section to find out more about ARCHERY's aims.

Find out more...

Meet our study teams

Find out more about the study team at MRC CTU and our participating sites.

What is the Radiation Planning Assistant (RPA)?

Find out more about how the technology our study uses was developed and how this software works.

Latest study news

Read about the latest news from the ARCHERY study and explore previous presentations and articles.

What does the study involve?

Learn more about what participation in the study involves as a patient and how you can take part. 

Our funders

The ARCHERY study receives funding from Rising Tide Foundation and the National Cancer Institute. Find out more about our funders and their work here.