What does participating in ARCHERY involve?

What will happen to me during the study?

Your doctor will approach you if you are eligible to participate in this study. If you agree to take part in the ARCHERY study, we will ask you to sign a consent form.

Following consent for the study we will require no further information from you.

Your doctor will provide us with your CT scan images, some health information about you and some personal information including your age and sex. This information will be anonymous to us. 

What checks and tests will be done?

You will have no extra checks or tests for the study.

What are the possible benefits of taking part in this study?

There is no immediate benefit for you in this study as you will be treated according to the current standard.  

We hope that the information we get from this study will help us to improve treatment for future patients with cancer.

What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

There are no expected risks as you will be treated according to the standard treatment plan with no additional tests or treatment required.


Your doctor should provide all the information you need before you make a decision on participating. You should be given a patient information form which will contain further information:

Which document Content Who should read it?
Patient Information Sheet (Locally Approved Version)  Overview of why the study is being done and what it involves. Anyone invited to participate in the study.

Archery is funded by Rising Tide and NIH